From a leading expert in treatments of macular diseases, AMD and Diabetes to an expert-valued Cataract surgeon and general ophthalmologist, Dario offers a variety of treatments to get you back to living the life you love.
Treatments include:
Retinal and Macular diseases ncluding:
Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Diabetic Retinopathy
Vein Occlusions
General Ophthalmology:
External eye disease
Eyelid Cyst Surgery
Cataract surgery:
Is also known as lens replacement.
Procedure involves removing the cataract lens and inserting an intraocular lens
Intravitreal injections which include:
AntiVEGF, and
Laser treatments:
YAG PI and YAG Capsulotomy
For more information about Dario, the treatments available and available appointments, please get in touch.